Band Biography
Tazumal was born in the year 2000, started by Atonal Mictlan (vocals & bass), Camazots Mexicayotl (drums), and Necali Ehecatl (guitar) the group was off to a brutal beginning.
As life will have it Tazumal underwent several lineup changes Antonal, Camazots, Mexicayotl, and Necali were joined by Tizoc Atlachinoli, then came “Disgusting Dustin”(Ahalpuh,guitar) & Francisco Zamudio(Xolotl,drums)
Manny moons came and went before another change tuck place “Disgusting Dustin”(Ahalpuh) & Fancisco Zamudio(Xolotl) left the band, Camazotz was called to fill in on drums for a while and After Camazotz departure Tazumal went in search for new blood in effort to resume its sacrifice.
After careful consideration and many searches Tazumal enlisted Jaime R Gomez = Mextli (Drums) and once again the lineup was strong, hungry and complete Atonal Mictlan, Tizoc Atlachinoli, Ocelotl, Mextli.
An album and a few shows later Tizoc Atlachinoli found a different path. Leaving the band a determined three piece, Tazumal grew stronger as a brotherhood melting the years of metal influences together , forging a path to who they would become.

Tazumal had become a solid death grind three peace which was solidly creating a new brutal sound, devouring the metal scene and once again establishing a name for its self amongst the most infamies bands when out of nowhere the last and final peace to the puzzle came to us. In late 2018 Miguel Casillas (Xiuhtecuhtli) Joined Tazumal bringing with him a heavy brutal sound that helped complete Tazumal as we know it today.
In its long history as a band Tazumal has had the distinct pleasure of sharing the staff whit many brutal bands such as:
Cannibal Corpse, Kreator,Napalm Death,Exhumed, Hypocrisy, Vile, Brujeria, Exodus, Cattle Decapitation, Suffocation, Behemoth, Deicide, Cryptopsy and Ed Guy, Krisiun, Hate Eternal, OverKill and Vader to name a few.